
Dongho Kim | Creative Director

We Design the Key to your brand

DKstudio는 브랜드의 본질을 이해하고 핵심을 디자인하는 전문 에이전시입니다. 우리는 브랜드 전략, 네이밍, 스토리텔링, 아트디렉션, 아이덴티티 디자인, 그리고 비주얼 시스템을 통해 브랜드의 새로운 가치와 경험을 창출합니다.

고객의 비즈니스 성공을 최우선으로 여기며, 긴밀한 파트너십을 통해 고객의 목표와 소비자의 니즈를 깊이 이해합니다. 우리는 면밀한 분석과 창의적 직관을 바탕으로, 브랜드의 본질을 파악하고 이를 일관된 디자인 언어로 표현합니다.

우리가 창출한 브랜드 경험을 통해 고객과 소비자에게 감동을 전하는 것, 이것이 바로 DKstudio가 추구하는 본질이며 우리의 존재 이유입니다.

DKstudio is a specialized agency that understands the essence of a brand and designs its core identity. Through brand strategy, naming, storytelling, art direction, identity design, and visual systems, we create new value and experiences for brands.

Prioritizing the success of our clients' businesses, we work in close partnership to deeply understand their goals and the needs of their consumers. With meticulous analysis and creative intuition, we uncover the essence of a brand and express it through a cohesive design language.

Our ultimate purpose at DKstudio is to inspire and move both clients and consumers through the brand experiences we create. This is the essence we strive for and the reason for our existence.


- IF Design Award 2025, Winner
Packaging Design

- IF Design Award 2025, Winner
Brand Identity Design & Product Design

- IF Design Award 2024, Winner
Retail Packaging

- IF Design Award 2023, Winner
Communication Design

- IF Design Award 2022, Winner 2
Brand Identity Design

- Reddot Award 2021, Winner
Communication Design

- Red Dot Design Award 2020, Winner 2
Communication Design

- IDEA Design Award 2020, Finalist
Communication Design

- IF Design Award 2020, Winner
Communication Design

- IDEA Design Award 2019, Finalist
Communication Design

- A’ Design Award 2019, Gold 1 & Silver 1
Brand Identity Design

- IF Design Award 2019, Winner
Communication Design

- Red Dot Design Award 2018, Winner
Communication Design

- O2 Innovation Postgraduate Degree Award 2016, 1st Prize
VR Game

- Samsung VR Film Contest 2016, Runner-up
VR film

- Korea Tea Design Contest 2010 in Korea, Grand prize
Poster Design

- Media Video Contest Exhibition 2010 in Korea, Gold
Motion Graphics